Top 10 Complaints of 2024

In this year-end special, Chris counts down the top ten things to complain about in 2024. From conflicts in the Middle East to Brat Summer, nothing is off limits when it comes to this unique countdown.

Chris: Hello world. Welcome to Can We Complain? The podcast where we rant, gripe, and talk smart to get you ramped up in this fantastic year end special. I’ll be counting down the top 10 things to complain about in 2024. Now, I know I’ve definitely missed a few things on this list. Or maybe you would have prioritized these things in a different order. Well, too fucking bad. A journey through several of the irritants and straight up nonsense that took place in 2024. I’m sure you’ll agree with most of my thoughts. And if you don’t, well, follow us on all the socials. can we complain and let us know what drove you crazy this year. See you on the flip side. Can we complain? Can complain, can we complain? Can we complain? Number 10, people who don’t know anything about the Middle East, Israel, Gaza or Hamas, but for some reason need their opinion to be heard loud and clear by everyone. now it’s not that you shouldn’t educate yourself and it’s not that you shouldn’t have an opinion at all. it’s that you sound like a moron. If you have a stance about something so volatile and so sensitive to millions of people and you admittedly know very little about what either side is concerned about. there’s a lot of people that seem to be saying what they think and they feel what they know based on secondhand blah blah blah and things. Something they read in a Facebook post or their friend from college said blah blah blah. And I’m like, that’s not like, okay, I guess we should all be forming our opinions based on Facebook posts and second hand hearsay from a college friend. it’s just like when you don’t know about things, you don’t know about things. If you don’t know a lot about something, it’s okay to not share your opinion loudly. You know, if you don’t really know a baseline about something, if you don’t know the general information, if you don’t even have a TLD doctor on the situation, then it’s okay to not share your fucking opinion. Also, I have to say, feeling unsafe at your college or university is not the same as actually being unsafe. I mean, families, children are being killed every day in the Middle East. You are not a victim of anything just because you feel scared walking the halls of your educational institution. If no one is harassing you or threatening you, or you and your friends or your classroom, then you just sound privileged as fuck. Particularly compared to people who are losing loved ones every day. If you want to learn a few things, then feel free to share your opinion. Until then, I don’t give a fuck about what you think about the Middle East, Israel, Gaza or Hamas when you don’t know any more than I do. Number nine, corporate nonsense in the year of our Lord 2024. Oh, man. I’m gonna start with pushing for return to office. many, there’s many companies whose leaders believe that you need to be in the office to be productive. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now, in some companies and some lines of work that makes sense. In many it doesn’t. There were a lot of people that were working remote before the COVID 19 pandemic. And many people have continued to do so since then and successfully. You know this notion of like that, that being in office encourages socialization and collaboration. Well, for a lot of people it actually means distraction and like nuisances and not getting your work done in a timely manner because of all the things that happen around you. Also, many businesses now have this thing with their offices where there’s no reserve desks. It’s like open floor, open seating. Oh, it encourages collaboration. It’s like what it really does is it doesn’t allow me to keep stuff at my desk. So I’m actually in a state of constant scrambling and trying to figure out where all my shit should go or if I should get a locker, which don’t need to. I don’t want to have a locker. I’m a 40 year old man working at a corporate business. I don’t want a locker. And also, most meetings are attended primarily by people on zoom or on teams, right? So you get together and there’s this in person collaboration and half the people in the meeting are on little squares on the video conference anyway. So it’s just kind of weird. It just feels half assed. It feels half ass. It feels like what leaders in corporate America are saying is that people that work remote are half assed. Meanwhile, they want you to come into the office where the work is half assed. Because of all of the problems with working in an office setting. And then the fact that there’s this, hybrid situation where half the people are gone half the days anyway. So it’s just so eye roll and so cringe. I realized that this one is kind of a, I don’t know, it’s hard to address return to office because there are so many essential workers that need to be in a physical space to do their job. And I want to say thank you to those people, particularly ones that stuck through everything with, the pandemic. People that have had to work two or three jobs putting themselves in danger. it was such a terrible time and you are owed a huge debt of gratitude and many, many thingsks. So thank you for that. And I would just like to say that the less people required to go into the office five days a week means there’s less traffic on the street and less people taking public transit. So hopefully that would be less irritations for people that actually are required to go to their physical locations for their job. Another thing that’s driving me nuts about corporate bullshit is companies pushing for this adoption and knowledge of AI and machine learning when as an organization they’re 5 to 10 years behind what’s available for people right now. Stop making it seem like we need to be leveraging the best of AI when I can’t even get the tools to do my job better. As is today I work in the digital space and most of my last employers expected me to manage multiple initiatives with Excel and other office products. It’s like, how about we use things that were available five or ten years ago at smaller companies or more nimble and agile companies, to do a better job, rather than having me sit through another PowerPoint presentation about what you learned about AI at some conference. We can’t even get our jobs done well today. How is it that we’re supposed to be adopting the tools of the future yesterday? It’s like, get your head out of your ass. Anyone who has been looking for a job in the last couple years will understand this and will relate. There are so many companies who have job openings right now listed, just to scope out available talent. I think if a role is open and relisted, reposted multiple times for months on end on LinkedIn or other job searching websites, then you’re not serious about filling it. People who are job searching are often teetering on desperate times. You’re playing with people’s livelihoods and you’re playing with people’s emotions and it is not okay. Stop posting jobs that are not available on job boards just to see who you can get as candidates. It’s pathetic and misleading. Number eight, the lack of press coverage for Madonna’s live show at Copacabana in May. Okay, anyone who knows me knows I’m a Madonnaholic. And this entry might be a little biased, but it totally makes sense. Madonna did a show on the beach at Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in May, as the last stop of her Celebration tour and over 1.6 million people attended. It’s considered one of the largest performances from a solo act or a band in human history. Like, if you saw the visuals, it was one and point half million people. At least some people were saying it was actually over 2 million. Who knows? I don’t want to be all Trumpian about it, but between 1 and a half and 2 million people were gathered on the beach. It was insane. And yet it was barely mentioned in the US by the press. And, frankly, I’m not surprised. I attended the Celebration tour in Chicago in February, and it was an amazing experience. She puts on arguably the best live show on the planet. I mean, Madonna has been showing people how it’s done for decades. And the Celebration tour was no different. I danced, I laughed, I cried. There were so many people that experienced such wonderful things during this tour. And it’s not the first tour that’s been like that from Madonna. She obviously is a pioneer and she is a record breaker and she is a living legend and an icon. Nowadays, a couple of women are nipping at her heels. You know, I have to give the nod and the props to Taylor Swift and Beyon. honestly, they are really, really, really, really talented performers and they’re deserving of all their popularity. But you can still have respect for those people. These people can still be huge stars of today, while giving press and nod, an acknowledgement to someone who is out there internationally breaking records and doing crazy things. I want to say the first time I recognized this being so insane was Confessions on a Dance Floor era. So, like, 2005, hung up, came out as the first single from that album. I remember it was so fun. A few of my friends and I were just so in love with it that summer. We would play it all the time. It was so cool. And it’s always great as a fan of an artist to see their work becoming successful and being like a hit. It felt like it was going to be played everywhere. And then in America. I mean, I think it was a top 10 hit, maybe like number seven, I don’t know. But it was number one in 47 countries. So I don’t know. I just kind of get over the notion of in America that, oh, someone’s aging and someone’s old, so we don’t like them and we’re not going to play them on the radio and whatever. It’s like, E, you can’t tell how old someone is over the radio when they’re singing. I mean, unless they sound like the lady from Hip Hop Hip h it to the Hip Hip Hoppin. You don’t stop like the Wedding Singer. Madonna does not sound like the old lady from the Wedding Singer, okay? Oh my gosh, it’s so funny. I just, I have to give credit where credit is due. If you put on a show for 1.6 million people on a beach, you better get some fucking press. And just because she’s over 60 doesn’t mean that she doesn’t deserve the press just as much as the young pop girlies today. Number seven, having to touch so many surfaces at stores. This might sound strange, but I can’t believe we just went through a once in a lifetime pandemic where everything was fucking nuts and new one knew how things were transmitted and blah blah blah, et cetera, et cetera, but something never changed, which is that we are being asked to touch everything, touch all of these surfaces that everyone else touches all the time. I’m thinking about at, ah, checkouts at a store, right? So you’re going through the line, you get up to the thing, you put all your shit on the conveyor belt where you’ve already touched how many surfaces while you’re in the store, how many products, how many things. Now it is shopping, it’s a physical experience. It’s not like you’re going to be able to just not touch anything. So I’m not trying to be crazy. But then you’re in the checkout, you go through the thing, you put all your stuff up. I go up to the credit card machine and it says, do you have a phone number? And I hit no. And then they’re done scanning everything like, do you have a phone number? And I’m like, no. And they’re like, oh, okay. And it’s like, oh my God, why do I even have this option to push no if you’re going to ask me? And then they tell me the total and I’m paying with my debit card so I put it in and then I have to put the PIN in and I’m just like, oh my gosh, this is why I should only pay with credit cards at the grocery store. Now that one can be on, me. That’s my bad. I am paying with a card that I have to put in a pin. So therefore I have to touch all these fucking nasty ass buttons. Okay, fine, that’s on me. Then after putting in my pin, the machine is like, do you want to give any money to children or pets? Do you feel bad? Blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah. And I’m like, no. And I’m like, stop making me push buttons. Then the person’s like, here’s your receipt. And I’m like, just set it down, put it on the belt with all the things. I don’t need it in my handgh. it just drives me nuts how many things that we have to touch when we’re shopping or out in public. It’s less annoying today, but during the pandemic it was definitely super frustrating to me. Also during the pandemic, I lived in an apartment complex that was large and a newer build, like modern, blah, blah, blah. And they did not have a handicap button at the door, like a push one. So I actually reported them to the state or the city or the county. I don’t know. I don’t remember. But I put a submission on whatever government agency’s website being like, this building does not have a handicapped accessible entry. Which is insane because it is a huge multi unit complex. We’re not talking about some mom and pop shop place. It was a huge complex. And I hated that I was bringing home groceries, I was doing whatever and I couldn’t just hit the handicap button with my hip or my butt. I had to put things down and grab the handles. And also it was one of those communities where they had signs up about masks and about protocols and no one fucking well. A lot of people didn’t follow it. And a lot of these people would look at you like, oh my God, you’re so crazy for wearing masks. And I’m like, we’re talking about before vaccines came out, right? We’re talking about peak pandemic times where a lot of people were staying home to be courteous to their fellow man. And then there were people in my building being like, we’re throwing parties and we’re touching all the surfaces and we’re coughing in your face and we’re doing whatever. And I was like, oh my gosh. So I just hate the notion of having to touch so many surfaces that so many other people touch. It drives me nuts. Thank you. Number six, quick serve restaurant prices. Now this one is, you know, obviously inflation has been a constant for the last four plus years. I mean, inflation’s always around, but it has been crazy recently. And it seems like everything cost more than it did yesterday. And nowhere do I see such obvious corporate profit bloating than in fast food pricing. Like, ugh. now many people might be thinking or saying to themselves, you know, who cares about McDonald’s pricing? You should just Eat better or that food is trash. Well, it might be trash, but it’s also the world’s most popular restaurant. And millions of people consume McDonald’s every day. And thousands of people work in their restaurants every day. And you know what? I’m trash, so get the fuck over it. When it comes to pricing, let’s do some math, okay? McDonald’s was my first taxp paying job. I was 15, and I worked on the weekends because I think you couldn’t work during the week after school until you were 16. And at that time, I made 5:15 an hour in Minnesota, which was minimum wage at that time. Okay, so we’re going to do some price comparisons, some ratio work on three items. One is a double cheeseburger, which at the time was a dollar. A, McChicken, which was a dollar, and two breakfast burritos for a dollar. These were all on the value menu when I worked at McDonald’s at 15 years old. A lot of that pricing stayed consistent for a very long time because they’re making plenty of profit even when they were charging a dollar. I remember my manager told me something like a large soda costs total like 17 cents. And that’s for everything. Like, for the cup and the straw and the wrapping to get to the store to be delivered, to be in your hand, to be given to you, the soda to have the bubbles put in it, the carbonation and to be poured, and the hourly wage behind the person doing it. The total cost for McDonald’s was 17 cents. So I imagine today it’s probably like 37 cents or 40 cents. So when you’re paying a dollar for that, they’re still making a huge profit. If you’re paying $2, they’re making an even larger profit. So that’s why I want to do this exercise. Double cheeseburger was a dollar, McChicken was a dollar, and two breakfast burritos were a dollar. Today’s pricing. So what I did is I went on my app on Uber eats. A Double cheeseburger is $4.59. Now, don’t forget there is a McDouble today. The McDouble came along after I started working at McDonald’s, and that comes with only one piece of cheese instead of two, and that’s $4.19. But we’re not talking about McDoubles S. We’re talking about double cheeseburgers, which are $4.59. Today. A, M. McChicken sandwich costs $3.49. A breakfast burrito costs $3.79. Each, which means it’s two for $7.58. Okay, so if you look at the wage for minimum wage, 15 years ago, when I was working at McDonald’s versus what that wage should be today, based on the pricing, this is how the ratios work out. This is the math. Double cheeseburger. The minimum wage would be $23.88. Like, okay, $23.88. I actually feel like that seems like a pretty reasonable minimum wage. I’m not an economist, and it’s been a little while since I’ve made $20 an hour, but I feel like 23, 20, $25 an hour is a livable minimum m wage. When I was making minimum wage, I was a teenage. I was 15. I wasn’t raising a family. I wasn’t doing all these things that people do have to do on these incomes. So I don’t know, I feel like 23 dol. 88 cent kind of makes sense. for the McChicken, the minimum wage would have to be $18.16. Feels a little low to me, but it’s also higher than what it is now. So I guess they’ve really found a way to those make chickens cheap. There’s probably a lot of beaks and feet in those McChickens. and then sausage burritos. Oh, this one’s the best for a sausage burritos because they used to be two for dollar and now they’re two for $7.58. Minimum wage, based on that pricing would need to be $39.04. So you want to talk about out of control corporate profits. You want to talk about how inflation is killing America and people are just o. It’s like, no companies are out of control. The idea that you would need to be paid $39. 39 an hour minimum wage to keep your pay the same as the cost of a sausage burrito at McDonald’s is the truth. That’s what it is. It’s simple math. It’s crazy. Now, the reason I’m using the mobile app pricing is because I believe that mobile apps such as Uber Eats have adjusted their pricing, for deliveries. Meaning I think that companies like McDonald’s and other fast food joints put a lot of pressure on the mobile app delivery services, to put the pricing into the fees instead of what the restaurant charge is because I think the restaurants found that people were getting upset that, oh, my gosh, all of these restaurant prices, particularly for quick serve, we’re talking about franchised corporate places. We’re not Talking about the mom and pop shop down the street street. We’re talking about McDonald’s, Burger King, Chipotle, the corporate places where their pricing seemed to have gone up so high that they were getting all this flak from people. And so they probably turned around and said, listen, we need to stop raising our prices, so you need to raise the delivery rates. Because now where things used to be like Onel 99 cent for delivery, now it’s like 5 dolars 99 cent. The other day I was looking like I wasn’t trying to order any fast food. I was just going through my maybe previously purchased or suggested or something and I want to say Taco Bell was something like $12.99 or 1799 cent. It was some sort of number where I was like, wow, this is really high. Considering that that’s just the baseline delivery, then if you want it brought directly to you, it would cost more. And then the food already is going to cost $20. I mean we’re talking about a 60, $60, 80 Taco Bell order for a single meal. It’s nuts. So yeah, these companies are out of control with their price increases and they have at least I think gotten smarter to having the app delivery companies taking more of the hit to the chin when it comes to reputation for the price increases. No matter how you look at it, corporations are making higher and higher profits while we, the little people, are slugging behind. And if you’re judging me for talking about McDonald’s or if you’re not paying attention to the disparity between the haves and the have nots, then you’re kind of an asshole. Number five, Brat Summer. I don’t know that anything has made me feel older in my life than 2024’s brat summer. Yes, Charlie, XCX is very talented. She’s a good songwriter. I actually have many of her tracks on several playlists of mine. Not in Spotify, but something’s not right about Brat. It sounds like music I made in my parents basement as a teenager and I guess that’s the point. Like I guess it’s supposed to connect with the millions of mid average alt masses who desperately cling to trends. I tried to listen to the album while working out several times this year and I would find myself mentally wandering, you know, to many different places. None of which had anything to do with Brat or the music. I just couldn’t get into it. It felt cheap and I think it’s supposed to feel cheap and that’s the vibe. But it’s Almost like it’s not done well enough. Like it’s actually bad. This feels to me like a part of a larger takeover by pop stars who aren’t really all that interesting or don’t really have much star quality. For example, I think Choice Ian went on tour with Charlie XCX this year. which should make all of the photocopied desperate to be cool homos and their fag hags happy. I’m sure did. But the clips I saw were wildly underwhelming. It was definitely giving Christina Aguilera vibes. You know, like the Christina Aguilera little girl in her room holding the hairbrush, singing in front of the mirror. And then these people become stars, only they’re not much better than a child holding a hairbrush in front of a mirror. Where is the star quality? I’ve seen photos of some of these stars hanging out together, and it looks like four people that you would just see on the street and wouldn’t even look twice. It’s like watching a, less than stellar drag performer at a local drag show. You know, there’s the standout performers, the ones that you love, and you give them all your money and you want a photo with them. and it’s like, you’ve made my weekend. And then there’s the others where it’s just like, okay, like, you showed up. And that’s just what these pop stars feel like to me. Like what? I’m like an old man. Remember when I was young, entertainers, there, had to be stars. But really, like, these people are people that I like. They remind me of people I went to school with where I’m like, you are boring as fuck. You are basic as shit. It also reminds me of award shows these days. now, once again, like, I am an aging man. I don’t know who half of these stars are, who half of these entertainers are. And a note to anybody producing, editing or publishing anything. If you have to explain to me who someone is, then they’re not a star. Like, if you’re like world renowned international superstar person’s name, you’d know them from blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it’s like, I don’t know them. I don’t know any of the things you just said. I haven’t been living in a cave. I don’t live under a rock. I just don’t know what half of these things are. And most people I know probably don’t know what they are. Number four, the pearl clutching, surrounding Luigi Mangioni. Okay, let’s get the obvious out of the way right away, okay? It’s not okay to kill people. It’s not okay to shoot someone in the back on the street. It’s not okay to murder people. Like, I think we all agree to that. It’s not okay that United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson was murdered. His family must be devastated, and I feel bad for his family. That being said, people in the United States are mad. People in the United States are fed up with your profiting off of our illnesses and our healthcare. You know, just like an example is a Facebook post by Unitedealth group expressing sadness about Brian Thompson’s death. received 62,000 reactions right on Facebook. 57,000 of them were laughing emojis. Like, the vast majority of responses to a Facebook post about the CEO’s killing were laugh emojis. Once again, people are fucking mad. The Internet is getting body tingles right now over Luigi Mangioni for reasons besides his chiseled jaw and the way he glows in an orange suit. Oh, Luigi. Now, trust me, I think plenty of the memes are funny. But also, there’s something deeper here than just a boy crush. It’s really not okay that in our society it’s considered to be terrorism or will to incite terrorism for killing someone just because they’re a CEO or just because they’re wealthy beyond belief. I mean, according to CNN, there have been at least 83 school shootings in the US so far this year as of December 16, 27 of them on college campuses and 56 school shootings at K12 schools. These terrorist attacks have left 38 people dead and at least 115 other victims injured. I’m calling these school shootings terrorist attacks because if killing one person, even if it’s the head of the largest private health insurance provider in the United States, a company responsible for how many deaths because of coverage denials and prioritizing shareholder profits over people? If that’s considered terrorism, then sending our children to schools where tragedy is becoming a more and more common occurrence is terrorism. Wake up, people. The truth is, one in five insured adults experienced claim denials in 2023. Those with job based insurance or Affordable Care act policies ran into this problem twice as often as those with Medicare or Medicaid, whose denial rates are basically 1 in 10. There needs to be a public insurance option. If your employer wants to continue offering you private insurance as one of your benefits of your job, then by all means keep paying for it and keep doing it. But the rest of us should Be able to contribute and benefit from a single payer system where our illnesses, where our medications, where our treatment plans, where our health is not tied to corporate profits. It’s 2024 and soon it will be 2025. Stop tying people’s health and their very lives to your profits. Number three. I didn’t have a Valentine in 2024. It’s been many years since I’ve had a valentine. It’s so sad. Forever alone. now you. I could blame the world. I could blame a recent global pandemic, my hideous appearance, my completely unlikable personality. but that would just be ridiculous. Of course I’m gonna blame all of you for not introducing me to my special valentine. Shame on you. Number two, Mariah Careries. All I want for Christmas is you. It’s number one again on the Billboard Hot 100. U. the song has peaked again at number one on the charts. It’s been found at the top of the charts for several years now during the Christmas season. I don’t actually hate the song. I think it’s silly and it fits the genre of contemporary music. Ddy, you know, yada yada yada, holidays, Christmas make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is you. Like, you know, I’m not, I’m not like a complete hater. I’m really not. But by January, millions of people will be sharing memes about stopping the ear rape. And some will be asking the question, how can we prevent this in the future? my recommendation is to go into the settings on your music streaming service and opt to prevent the song or Mariah Caree altogether from playing. There’s usually ways to say, I don’t want to hear this song. And then you can stop giving it dreams and plays. Now, if you love the song and you want to hear it every year, then just ignore this advice. If you’re like me and you could deal with a little less of it, there are steps that you can take. The reason this is allowed to happen at all every year is because Billboard now determines chart success primarily from streaming rather than sales and radio play, like back in the day. Another example of the madness is when Taylor Swift held every top 10 chart position on the Billboard Hot 100 after her last album release. Like, apologies to all the swifties at home streaming her album on repeat. but like, that does not mean that she had the 10 biggest songs in the country at the same time. I mean, I suspect 95% of the country couldn’t even tell you a single song from that list of top 10 hits. You know, people used to have to go to the store and buy records or tapes or cds. There were barriers to becoming a top charting artist. Elvis, the Beatles, Michael Jackson, all of these other great artists from the past made more of an impact simply because you actually had to try. You had to pay to hear their music, you had to call the radio station, you had to physically go down to the store and buy a single or buy an album. To summarize, all of you are to blame for this. All I want for Christmas is you. You know, the song gets all of these streams annually and it will continue to top the charts and be played in stores and creeping into your Spotify holiday playlist and anywhere the rest of us are trying to hide. And now for some un honorable mentions. Right? Normally it’s honorable mentions. This is un honorable mentions. So this isnna be a quick list. I just can’t stand the fact that Robert F. Kennedy gets any more attention than me. Like what the actual fuck? Fuck him in that awful voice. I can’t stand the overuse of the word crisis in the media. A problem that can be fixed by the planning and actions of intelligent and thoughtful people is not a crisis. An example of this would be the border issues that we’re facing. That’s not a crisis. This could be solved. A crisis is a hurricane or an act of God, a natural disaster. People crossing a border is not a crisis. Fucking do something about it. The Real Housewives of New York City reboot is trash. Really, Andy? I mean, fuck that shit. Give us back some of the OG cast in a different show. I haven’t watched a single episode of the Roni reboot and I am proud of it. The Socials are ablaze with complaints about the new series. Yawn. Boring. Snooze. Another one of my unonorable mentions are women, primarily white women, just waking up to discrimination and equal rights being taken away now. you know, I’m not trying to diminish any struggling here. The struggle is real for so many people and literal rights are being taken away. But it’s been interesting to see so many of my girlfriends be just randomly awoken by the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Like the limitation of abortion rights in so many states across this country are terrible and horrible. Being discriminated against in ways that aren’t just systemic, but actually legal. I personally have watched the Supreme Court determine if I have the same rights as other people. You know, the right to marry in my lifetime. I have been told to my Face that I should have unequal representation with full taxation. I’ve been mad for years. So have so many of your brothers and sisters in these fights against the patriarchy, corporate hellholes and elite motherfuckers. This isn’t new. Some of us have been dealing with it our entire fucking lives. If you’re taking a stand, then hallelujah. Happy. Thank God you are. If you’re just joining the rest of us, please be mindful when you’re preaching to the rest of us about rights being taken away because many of us have been dealing with it our entire lives. Welcome to the family. And last but not least in my unonorable mentions list, children of rich parents. If your friends are calling you out on your obnoxious behavior that appears to be rooted in privilege and you being unable to take no accountability for anything in your life because mommy and daddy have money and it’s clear that you haven’t struggled for anything in your life, you can just fuck right off. I’ve had plenty of friends who are wealthy or their family has money, etc. And their life journey has brought them to places where they learned empathy, compassion, and really just how to treat other people with common decency. If you’re acting spoiled or if people call you out on your money bullshit and you’re approaching the age of like 40, you need to do some self fucking reflecting. When people haven’t struggled, it shows. Struggle builds character and that’s probably what you’re missing, you privileged fuck. Some character and drumrolll please. My number one complaint for this year is the 2024 presidential election. What a shock. I couldn’t just have it be Trump. I mean, that’d be too basic. Okay, so there are only minimal job requirements to be president. Right. The president must be at least 35 years old, has to be a natural born citizen of the US and has to have lived in the country for at least 14 years. Okay, yeah, whatever. Average everyday people looking for jobs out here, there are like requirements to have like a master’s degree, 15 years of experience and blah blah, blah for $60,000 a year or some shit like get out of here, you know, I have to say Kamala Harris did a great job stepping up to the plate. I didn’t really have the highest expectations going into things when Biden said he wasn’t going to run again. And I think she really, really shined. I think she was an awesome candidate and I still think she’s a rock star. We have to remember it was the shortest general election presidential campaign in history, it was only 107 days. Now that’s over three months. It didn’t feel like it was short, to be honest. I felt like I understood everything I needed to understand about her in three months. If people couldn’t make up their mind in three months, like, who were these undecided people? The day before the election, you didn’t know who you were going to vote for. Okay, that’s weird. So, sure, price gouging probably shouldn’t be a major bullet point in your economic policy. And some people did make fun of her for the falling out of the coconut tree and unburdened by what has been comments. But there were also several elements of her campaign that really did align with what people care about, you know, including abortion protections, child tax credits, small business tax credits, gun control. She wasn’t really as crazy liberal as everyone was making her out to be. I personally love that she peacocked about owning a gun. And I mean, I have to agree with her. If you’re breaking into my home, you’re probably getting shot. I was a big fan when she announced her candidacy for the 2020 run, but my support fizzled like a lot of other people’s. I don’t really know. There was something that charm wore off pretty quickly and, you know, that’s okay. Another gripe I have to say about presidential politics is that I have never once been able to vote for the person I caucass or primaried for, and that’s pretty disappointing. So here’s some obvious d about the 2024 election and the inevitable fallout. Donald Trump is obviously in mental decline. It’s definitely ironic given the constant attacks from the right about Biden’s mental health. When Trump is not the man he was four years ago, he’s not the man he was eight years ago, he’s in decline. It’s super obvious. It’s surprising to me that there were so many people willing to vote for him again. Given Biden’s windfall success in 2020, I feel like it’s further proof that the American people are just fickle people, most of whom have amnesia and have no idea what the hell is going on around them even now at the end of December and 2024. I mean, he hasn’t even taken office and a significant number of national headlines are about his transition team and the ridiculous riculous choices he’s making for his cabinet. News no one voted for Elon Musk. I just hope Elon’s popularity soars even higher among the incel population to the point where Trump gets jealous and throws him to the wolves like he does most of hisote unquote allies. Also, the terrible economy was a huge leverage point during this election, but most of the news regarding the economy since the election has been mid fair E neither great nor bad. Just kind of continuing on. There are concerns about tariffs, raising prices and you know, the costs of groceries just continue to go up and up. It’s ironic, all of these people who complained the price of milk and eggs. Yet Thanksgiving was another record year for travel and Black Friday sales surpassed all expectations. And it’s estimated that this holiday season will break every previous sales record. Oh God. I think we can think near record level debt for most consumers. You know, a lot of people are carrying around that credit card debt. Most Trump supporters claim he will do wonders for the economy. Will he better, because everything else is looking pretty fucking bleak. Thank you everyone for joining me for my top 10 complaints of 2024. What a great way to end the year. I hope the holiday spirit fills your heart and fills your home and brings you tidings of joy and goodwill towards men. Look out for 2025 here. It’s gonna be a bitch.

We also discuss: the Middle East, Israel, Palestine, Gaza, Hamas, RTO, return to office, essential workers, AI in business, open job postings, Madonna, Copacabana, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Celebration Tour, US press, stores, shopping, quick serve restaurants, fast food, inflation, raising prices, McDonalds, minimum wage, Brat Summer, Charlie XCX, Troye Sivan, Luigi Mangione, UnitedHealthcare, terrorism, school shootings, medical insurance, Valentine’s Day, Mariah Carey, Christmas, All I Want For Christmas Is You, Billboard charts, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Swifties, streaming, music sales, Elvis, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, abortion rights, rich children, privilege, RHONY, Real Housewives of New York City, crisis, Robert F. Kennedy, 2024 presidential election, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, Elon Musk, Joe Biden, economy, debt

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